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8th Meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development
New York, USA; 24 April - 05 May, 2000


| Monday 24 | Tuesday 25 | Wednesday 26 | Thursday 27Friday 28 |
| Monday 01 | Tuesday 02 | Wednesday 03 | Thursday 04 | Friday 05 |

| Lundi 24 | Mardi 25 | Mercredi 26 | Jeudi 27 | Vendredi 28 |
| Lundi 01 | Mardi 02 | Mercredi 03 | Jeudi 04 | Vendredi 05 |

Highlights from Wednesday, 3 May

During an ENB interview, CSD-8 Chair Minister Juan Mayr discussed how sustainable development can be useful in building confidence between groups in conflict and said it as a great ally of conflict resolution. He said those in conflict need to find common issues that go beyond the interests of one particular group and that building confidence is critical. He discussed focusing on one issue unrelated to the conflict, using as an example from Colombia, the issue of water which is unrelated to the armed conflict. He said after establishing that conflicting groups have a common interest outside the context of the conflict, they can begin to come together on more difficult issues. He also discussed some of the characteristics of traditional knowledge in relation to sustainable development, emphasizing that for traditional indigenous people, accumulation of capital is not the motive. He said Western society is not directly related to the land and explained that is a major reason why reaching common understanding between the two cultures is so difficult. He said one of the main challenges for the future is closing the gap between environmental and economic priorities. Regarding CSD-8, he said the most positive outcome was that of the Rio+10 debate. He highlighted that political will at the highest levels of decision making is necessary, as was the case with the Biosafety Protocol.

Visit the Sustainable Development Learning Center in Conference Room A

Delegates met in Drafting Group III on preparations for Rio+10 in the morning and evening. Drafting Group II on finance and trade met in afternoon and evening sessions. Drafting Group I on land management and agriculture met in morning, afternoon and evening sessions.

Young Peoples' Congress outcome and launch of the Millennium Action Fund

Click here for the following side events:

  • Presentation of the Millennium
  • Environmental Protection and Land Use: How are the States in the United States Integrating Environmental Protection Considerations into Land Use Decisions

The view from Conference Room 1 where Drafting Group I discussed text on agriculture late into the evening

Delegates began discussion on agriculture. Regarding SARD, the US proposed, and the G-77/China opposed, language on development and use of quantitative assessments in pursuing an ecosystem approach to SARD. The G-77/China suggested deleting a proposed paragraph on the social dimensions of SARD. The G-77/China proposed, and the US opposed, deleting references to the effects of agriculture practices on human safety and on the health of farmers, their families and employees. The European Commission noted that these elements were reflections of recommendations from the multi-stakeholder dialogue and the high-level segment, and supported their inclusion. A contact group chaired by Cuba will discussed the issue of multifunctionality.

Drafting Group II on Financial Resources and Mechanisms and on Economic Growth, Trade and Investment
Delegates discussed text referring to, inter alia, governance, mobilizing ODA, debt relief, financial crisis arising from volatile movements of private capital, and innovative mechanisms, and reforming financial institutions. A contact group was established to review text on the establishment of an ad hoc intergovernmental panel to study fulfilment of financing commitments.

On finance and following the G-77/China rejection of an EU proposal to delete reference to the UNCCD funding mechanism, the paragraph was bracketed. Similarly, the paragraph on the CDM was bracketed. Brazil said the CDM is not ready to be implemented and is more market related.The EU proposal identifying the GEF as the principal mechanism for funding sustainable development in developing countries was rejected. The G-77/China's proposed text to "strengthen and broaden" the GEF was bracketed. Delegates accepted the G-77/CHINA proposals to delete a paragraph on reforming international financial institutions.


Portugal (left) with the Secretariat and Chair Choi Seok-young

On debt relief, following the EU suggestion to delete the text, reference to "multilateral debt relief" was bracketed. Japan's proposed inclusion of provision for cancellation "and equivalent relief" of bilateral official debt, was bracketed. Reference to the international community considering means for identifying unpayable debt for possible action by creditors was deleted.

Indonesia (left) represented the G-77/China on the trade discussion. On market access, New Zealand (right), supported by the EU, suggested text on modernization and operationalization of special and differential treatment and using language agreed at UNCTAD-X. The US called for the language to be bracketed as it does not exactly reflect what was agreed at UNCTAD-X. Chair Seok-young suggested convening a contact group to discuss a paragraph on environmental impact and sustainability assessments.

In the finance group, a contact group was established to review text on the establishment of an ad hoc intergovernmental panel to study fulfillment of financing commitments. New Zealand volunteered to act as facilitator.
Drafting Group II on Preparations for Rio+10
Drafting Group III discussed plans for Rio +10 based on the Chair's second revised draft. Sudan, with the EU, suggested a chapeau to identify the document as a recommendation to ECOSOC and the GA. On text stating that the review should be action-oriented and forward-looking, the EU suggested focusing on areas such as poverty eradication and environment and security. In response to a request for clarification of the relationship between CSD-10 and Rio+10, as well as for financial details, the Secretariat referred to the informal note describing CSD-10 structure and funding. She stated that a back-to-back meeting with CSD-9 could begin the preparation process and CSD-10 is devoted entirely to preparations for Rio+10.

The 2000 Review Conference of the State Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
NGOs participating in the review of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) at UN Headquarters are planning to seek the support of CSD-8 on Friday for their efforts to promote sustainable energy, ruling out the nuclear option, "peaceful" or otherwise. Campaigners are disappointed that nuclear power appears in the report of the Co-Chairs of the CSD open-ended ad hoc Working Group on Sustainable Energy.

Daniel Ellsberg, a well known policy analyst and former nuclear war planner for the US Department of Defense. He achieved fame and notoriety during the Vietnams war for releasing the "Pentagon Papers" to the American news media.

ENB Summary of Ad Hoc Open-Ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy and Sustainable Development
CSD-8 Intersessionals
Linkages CSD page
UN - CSD website with official documents 
ENB's "Introduction to CSD"

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