Daily Web Coverage/ Summary
IISD Reporting Services (IISD RS) has produced daily web coverage and a summary and analysis of the meeting. To download our report, click the HTML or PDF icons below. |
Forty-seventh Session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC-47) and Associated Sessions of the Committees
14-19 November 2011 | Antigua Guatemala
Chair Bilé Joachim Allogho bringing the 47th Session of ITTC to a close at 1:27 pm.
On Saturday, the Forty-seventh session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) concluded its discussions in Antigua, Guatemala. In the morning, Producer and Consumer groups met in separate caucus meetings, followed by a brief meeting of the Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA). The CFA adopted its report, having come to a tentative agreement on the revised draft administrative budget for 2012 late on Friday night, with an increase of 3.95% over the budget for 2011.
In the afternoon, the Council convened to adopt three decisions, including on: the approval of projects, pre-projects and activities; the ITTO Biennial Work Programme for 2012-13, and the ITTO Action Plan. The Producer group nominated Makoto Ozawa (Japan) as the Council Chair, and the Consumer group nominated Jose Trinidad Suazo Bulnes (Honduras) as Vice-Chair for 2012. Both were approved by acclamation. After brief closing statements, Chair Bilé gaveled the meeting to a close at 1:27 pm.
Download the IISD RS summary of the meeting in HTML or PDF format
Daily Highlights
(click on the following links to see our daily web pages)
Opening Dais (L-R): Haroldo Gracias, Master of Ceremonies, Guatemala; Josué Morales, Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB); Juan Alphonso de León, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food, Guatemala;
Bilé Joachim Allogho, Vice-Chair; Emmanuel Ze Meka, Executive Director, ITTO;
Christian Magnagna, Minister of Forests and Water, Gabon; Collins Ahadome, ITTO Secretariat
IISD Meeting Coverage
Summary of the Meeting
Highlights on Saturday, 19 November, 2011
Highlights on Friday, 18 November, 2011
Highlights on Thursday, 17 November, 2011
Highlights on Wednesday, 16 November, 2011
Highlights on Tuesday, 15 November, 2011
Highlights on Monday, 14 November, 2011
ITTO resources
ITTC-47 website
ITTC-47 general information and supporting documents
Provisional schedule of meetings
Report of the 46th ITTC session
General resources
The Collaborative Partnership on Forests
The Convention on Biological Diversity: Programme on Forests
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Platform on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries
UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Forestry
UN Forum on Forests
International Union of Forest Research Organizations Expert Panel Report on the International Forest Regime
IISD RS resources
IISD RS coverage of the Ninth Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF9), 24 January - 4 February 2011, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America
IISD RS coverage of the Forty-sixth Session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC-46) and Associated Sessions of the Committees, 13-18 December 2010, Yokohama, Japan
IISD RS coverage of the Cancún Climate Change Conference, 29 November - 10 December 2010, Cancún, Mexico
IISD RS coverage of the Twentieth Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO 2010) of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 4-8 October 2010, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
IISD RS coverage of the Forty-fifth Session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC-45) and Associated Sessions of the Committees, 9-14 November 2009, Yokohama, Japan
IISD RS coverage of the Eighth Session of the UN Forum on Forests, 20 April - 1 May 2009, UN Headquarters, New York, United States of America
IISD RS coverage of the Forty-fourth Session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) and Associated Sessions of the Committees, 3-8 November 2008, Yokohama, Japan
IISD RS coverage of the Forty-third Session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) and Associated Sessions of the Committees, 5-10 November 2007, Yokohama, Japan
IISD RS archive of forest-related meetings
Global forest policy backgrounder
Forests-L - A mailing list for news on forest policy
Climate Change Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of UN and Intergovernmental Activities Addressing Global Climate Change Policy
Biodiversity Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of UN and Intergovernmental Activities Addressing International Biodiversity Policy
Sustainable Development Policy & Practice - A Knowledgebase of International Activities Preparing for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development
SIDS Policy and Practice - A Knowledgebase on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
Linkages Update - Bi-weekly international environment and sustainable development news
African Regional Coverage
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