Friday, 20 October
High-Level Segment
The High-Level Segment was chaired by IGR-2 Vice-Chair Ferguson Theophilus
John, Saint Lucia.
Stephen Asamoah Boateng, Ghana, reported on the roundtable chaired by Nigeria.
Stefan Wallin reported on the roundtable chaired by Finland.
Dean Peart reported on the roundtable chaired by Jamaica.
Pakistan reported on the roundtable it chaired.
Conrad Lautenbacher reported on the roundtable chaired by the United States.
Georgette Koko reported on the roundtable chaired by Gabon.
Venezuela reported on the roundtable it chaired.
Saudi Arabia reported on the roundtable it chaired.
Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director, summarized the roundtable
Mauritius suggested developing a web portal as the first step of
establishing a GPA clearing house.
Fernando Reyes Matta, Chile, drew attention to the potential environmental
impacts of free trade.
Yue Ruisheng, China, said environmental goals and targets should conform
with States' level of economic development.
Ydalia Acevedo Monegro, Dominican Republic, called for additional
regional meetings to share experiences and examine objectives.
Tim Mmella, Kenya, suggested that seminars be held for ministers of
finance to convey the importance of moving the MEA agenda forward.
Nadia Mijangos López, Guatemala, emphasized the differentiated
needs of regions.
Stephane Louhaur, France, called for strenghtening support to governments
creating national water policies and promoting good governance and local
Malaysia called on the UNEP/GPA Coordination Office to work with others
in preventing the dumping of toxic waste.
Closing Plenary
Mara Angélica Murillo Correa, Mexico, presented the draft
Beijing Declaration on Furthering the Implementation of the GPA,
which was adopted without amendment.
IGR-2 rapporteur Thomas Laughlin, United States, presented the draft
report of the Meeting and its four annexes.
UNEP/GPA Coordinator Veerle Vandeweerd praised delegates' willingness to
solve issues, take risks, and attempt innovative ways to move forward.
Donation to UNEP by Luo Hong
During the lunch break, Chinese entrepreneur and nature photographer
Luo Hong donated millions
of Yuan to UNEP to preserve Lake Nakuru in Kenya, known for its flocks
of flamingos. The donation was accepted by Achim Steiner, Executive
Director of UNEP, who also viewed many of Luo's photographs of African
scenery and wildlife, and visited one of many Chinese locations in Luo's
chain of cake bakeries.
Before the donation ceremony, Luo Hong showed Achim Steiner a photograph
of the Serengeti and Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Zhijia Wang, UNEP, introduced Luo Hong and Achim Steiner at the ceremony.
After the ceremony, Luo Hong showed Achim Steiner one of his many cake
Around IGR-2
Participants arriving for the high-level segment received copies of the
Earth Negotiations Bulletin.
Felix Dodds, Stakeholder Forum, and Biliana Cicin-Sain, Global Forum on
Oceans, Coasts and Islands.
The Beijing Marathon was run the day before IGR-2, with the U.N. logo
making it easy to spot IISD's "Kimo" Goree.
The "Net Cafe" was popular with delegates throughout the week.
With many sessions finishing early, participants were able to take
in the colorful sights of Beijing by night.
When things must be organized and aligned perfectly, there's no
substitute for a taut piece of string.