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Version française: Bulletin des Négociations de la Terre (BNT) 

ENB on the side - a special daily report on selected side events from WSSD PrepCom IV. 

ENB daily reports HTML PDF TXT

7 June

6 June

5 June

4 June

3 June

1 June

31 May

30 May

29 May

28 May

27 May

Rapports du BNT HTML PDF TXT
7 Juin

6 Juin

5 Juin

4 Juin

3 Juin

1er Juin

31 Mai

30 Mai

29 Mai

28 Mai

27 Mai


(Images and RealAudio)

Sat 25 Sun 26 Mon 27  Tues 28 Wed 29 Thur 30 Fri 31
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he World Summit on Sustainable Development
Fourth Preparatory Committee (WSSD PrepCom-IV)
Bali, Indonesia | 25 May - 7 June 2002

Thursday, 30 May

Delegates met all day in parallel working groups and contact groups. Working Groups I and II met all day and into the evening to continue negotiation of the Revised Chairman's Paper. Working Group III met in morning and evening sessions and concluded a first reading of the Vice-Chair's paper on an institutional framework for sustainable development. The contact groups on oceans, energy, Africa, good governance and finance also met.

Photo: Hossein Moeni, Iran, coordinator of the G-77/China for governance meets with other group members to discuss the Vice-Chair's text on an institutional frameworks for sustainable development

Working Group I:

On forests,
the main amendments made to this section were on aligning the text with the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) Ministerial Declaration.

On biodiversity, action oriented text was introduced aligning the CBD with forest related processes

Jan McAlpine,
US, recalled that language regarding immediate action on domestic forest law enforcement and illegal international trade in forest products, including in forest biological resources, had been agreed to at UNFF-2. She also proposed that the achievement of sustainable forest management would be at both global and national levels, and would include  partnerships among interested governments and stakeholders, including the private sector, indigenous and local communities and NGOs.

The Mexican delegation

On forests, delegates accepted a Mexican proposal recognizing and supporting indigenous and community based forest management systems to ensure the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in sustainable forest management.

The delegate from Spain with Delmar Blasco, Secretary-General of the Ramsar Convention

On forests, the EU proposed a paragraph on strengthening international cooperation to support sustainable forest management to fight illegal logging and trade in timber to address violations of  forest-related law and forest crime, but the G-77/China and others opposed.

On biodiversity
, the EU amends a paragraph that aligns the CBD COP-6 Ministerial Declaration with the UNFF Ministerial Declaration. 

Jan McAlpine, US, with Maria Rita Fontes and Maria Luiza Escorel, Brazil (left and below)

Norway proposed text to ensure effective synergies between the CBD and other MEAs. 


Kuwait and Egypt

Delegates receive the revised Chairman's paper on Chapters I-IV


The EU and the US (above left) and Canada (above right) and Kenya (below) reviewing the new document.
On biodiversity, Canada supports the US formulation on the sustainable use of timber resources.

Listen to Chair Akasaka inform delegates of the consultations' state of play
Working Group II Co-Chairs
Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Brazil, and Kiyotaka Akasaka, Japan, and Lowell Flanders, Secretariat

Working Group II:

The EU consulting on text on means of implementation in Working Group II

The EU and the US opposed text on establishing a mechanism by 2004 on transfer of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs). After protracted discussions on text regarding indigenous knowledge, delegates agreed on reference to increasing the use of scientific knowledge and technology, and increasing the beneficial use of local and indigenous knowledge in a manner respectful of the holders of that knowledge and consistent with national law. The EU introduced a paragraph from the globalization section on applying the precautionary principle in decision making, while avoiding recourse to it for protectionist purposes.

Working Group III: Governance 
Al Binger, Jamaica, and Bikeni Paeniu, Tuvalu
On participation of major groups, the US opposed language on developing global multilateral guidelines on promoting and ensuring public access to information.
Hossein Moeni, Iran, for the G-77/China, opposed a US proposal recognizing that good governance at the national level is essential for sustainable development and that all states should strengthen their government institutions, including by promoting the rule of law, improving legal structures and enforcing existing laws that support sustainable development.

On strengthening institutional frameworks at the national level, Tanzania (left) with Japan, Australia, Canada, Switzerland and the EU, suggested inclusion of a reference to the local (or sub-national) level, while the G-77/China opposed it.

Tuvalu supported the EU's request for language on inviting the Chief Executives Board to develop a collaborative action-oriented network to facilitate interagency exchange of information to foster coordination and mainstreaming of sustainable development

Norway said increasing involvement of civil society at all levels is one of the major events taking place since Rio and must be reflected in the text. He proposed a role for major groups in policy development, implementation and monitoring of sustainable development programmes, and safeguarding the interests of vulnerable groups. With Canada, he suggested strengthening the gender focus.


The EU proposed a new paragraph acknowledging the importance of the interrelationship between human rights promotion and environmental protection for sustainable development and inviting further consideration of these issues in the relevant fora including by continuing cooperation between UNEP and UNHCR. Australia and the US opposed this proposal
Andrey Vavilov, ENB writer, speaks with Adnan Amin and Werner Obermeyer, UNEP
Contact Group: Oceans
Delegates during the contact group on oceans

Malaysia, speaking for the G-77/China (center), during the contact group on oceans

Contact Group: Africa

Richard Ballhorn chaired the contact group on Africa

The group met in the morning and afternoon and completed the second reading of the remaining sections of the facilitator's text for the contact group on Africa, circulated 27 May.

South Africa (center) intervening during the contact group's discussions


Two new proposals were not agreed as some considered them to be prescriptive - on promoting programmes and policies to enable women to become actors in the agricultural sector, including the right to inherit land; and on prioritizing the needs of the poor by providing stable and transparent regulatory frameworks involving all concerned stake-holders and monitoring the performance and improving the accountability of public institutions and private companies.


Contact Group: Energy
Contact Group Chair Gustavo Anchil, Argentina, with Khalid Abuleif, Saudi Arabia
Miscellaneous Photos:
Scenes from the conference corridors

 Delegates consult in the corridors 


Reflecting in the corridors 

Hama Arba Diallo, UNCCD Executive Secretary (left), in the corridors

Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Woods Hole Research Center, working in the corridors 



> Side events: ENB on the side (in collaboration with UNDP)
> Version française: Bulletin Des Négociations de la Terre

> Official website for PrepCom-III - includes links to Chairman's Paper (basis of negotiations),
provisional agenda, proposed programme of work, and all other documents for the meeting.
> Official WSSD website
> South African WSSD website

> ENB's coverage of PrepCom-II
> ENB's coverage of the Regional Preparatory Meetings and of Prepcom I
> Linkages Introduction to the Johannesburg Summit 2002 - the essential CSD primer to the
> Linkage's Portal to the Johannesburg Summit 2002 - access coverage of all WSSD Regional
Preparatory meetings; Who's Who at WSSD; Publications; Calendar of Events; Preparations
and other online resources.

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