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    Second Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the 
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (ICCP-2)


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Update for Monday, 1 October 2001

Opening Plenary: 

The second Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (ICCP-2) began its deliberations, as delegates heard opening statements and considered organizational and intersessional work. Plenary then addressed agenda items from ICCP-1, including: information sharing; capacity building; handling, transport, packaging and identification; and compliance. In the afternoon, Plenary addressed new items for consideration, including: liability and redress; monitoring and reporting; Secretariat; guidance to the financial mechanism; rules of procedure; and consideration of other issues. Above: Bird's eye view of the ICCP-2 opening plenary.


ICCP Chair Amb. Philémon Yang (Cameroon) (left) welcomed participants and noted significant progress made in developing key elements of the pilot phase of the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH), capacity building and a compliance regime. He highlighted areas requiring further development, including liability and redress, monitoring and reporting and the financial mechanism, and stressed that clearly defined elements would provide incentive for ratification. 

Real Audio of Ambassador Yang's opening address






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Noah Katana Ngala, Minister of Environment of the Republic of Kenya
(left), emphasized the Protocol's importance in an age of biotechnology that raises concerns for biosafety in managing organisms and minimizing possible risks to human health and the environment. He discussed efforts to produce national guidelines and harmonize regional efforts, outlined Kenya's biosafety framework and called for continued cooperation in capacity building and bringing the Protocol into force.

Opening Address of Katana Ngala, Kenyan Minister of Environment

Jorge Illueca, Assistant Deputy Director of UNEP
(left), on behalf of UNEP Executive Director Klaus Töpfer, highlighted intersessional activities focusing on capacity building and support for developing national biosafety frameworks held in Cuba in July 2001. He noted the need for national regulatory and institutional frameworks, as well as timely financial and technical support to enable them.

Real Audio of Jorge Illueca's opening address on behalf of UNEP Executive Director Klaus Töpfer

CBD Executive Secretary, Hamdallah Zedan (right), expressed his appreciation to UNEP and Kenya for hosting ICCP-2, to Denmark, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden and Switzerland, as well as to Canada, Cuba, France, Peru, the United Kingdom and the US for supporting intersessional activities. He expressed hope that ICCP-1's "Montpellier Spirit" would continue and that national ratification processes would be accelerated.

Real Audio of Hamdallah Zedan's opening address

Regional statements were made by BELGIUM, on behalf of the EU; MEXICO (left), on behalf of GRULAC; ETHIOPIA, on behalf of the African Group; and INDIA, on behalf of the Asian Group. Delegates underscored, inter alia, their commitment to ratify the Protocol in due time to ensure its entry into force by 2002.

An Industry representative noted the benefits of appropriate application of biotechnology. 

Real Audio to follow

Citing a recent example of genetic pollution of a Mexican centre of origin for maize, an NGO representative underscored the need for a liability and redress regime and a more precise definition of LMOs for food, feed or processing.

Real Audio to follow


Chair Yang  (second from left) introduced the agenda of the meeting (UNEP/CBD/ICCP/2/1). JAPAN noted that little attention was given to definitions' clarification. Chair Yang then noted the revised organization of work (UNEP/CBD/ICCP/2/1/Add.2), which was adopted without comment. François Pythoud (Switzerland) and Mohammad Reza Salamat (Islamic Republic of Iran) would continue chairing Working Groups one and two (WG-I and WG-II) respectively. Antonietta Gutiérrez Rosati (Peru) would continue serving as the meeting's Rapporteur.


The Cyrie Sendashonga (CBD Secretariat) (left) introduced the report on intersessional work (UNEP/CBD/ICCP/2/2). Chair Yang noted that delegates would make comments under the agenda item on consideration of other matters.

Real Audio to follow

ICCP-2 meeting website  with official documents and information for participants (PDF or DOC)
CBD Secretariat web site 
Biosafety Clearing-House
ENB Summary of ICCP-1(HTML, PDF and TXT)
ENB daily website coverage, photos, RealAudio files and daily reports from ICCP-1
IISD analysis of the Cartagena Protocol
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