Tuesday, 7 November
Bert Metz, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), reviewed
scenarios set out in the Panel's Third Assessment Report, highlighting
delays in effecting stabilization of greenhouse concentrations, the
contribution of sustainable development to emissions baselines, and
the cost of achieving stabilization.
Artur Runge-Metzger, European Commission, described the EU's agreed
policy of aiming to limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius,
based on a stabilization of concentrations at 450 ppm.
Harald Dovland, Environment Ministry of Norway, highlighted
recommendations from the Norwegian Commission on Low Emissions.
Mutsuyoshi Nishimura, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, urged
"fairness and equity on burden sharing" among countries if the
process is not to collapse.
José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez, Brazil's Ministry of Science and
Technology, presented the Brazilian proposal emphasizing historical
responsibility and shifting the focus from emissions to temperature increase.
Sergey Kononov, UNFCCC Secretariat, noted increasing emissions for Annex
I parties, highlighted the relevance of LULUCF for some parties'
emissions profiles, and underscored the high growth rate for emissions
in transport.
Alf Wills, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South
Africa, underlined the significance of using cumulative emissions data
as the basis for an equitable approach to determining future commitments
and providing space for developing countries to achieve their
sustainable development goals.
Adrian Macey, New Zealand, said almost fifty percent of all greenhouse
gas emissions in New Zealand come from agriculture.
Hayden Montgomery, New Zealand, noted that mitigation options for
methane and nitrous oxide emissions are limited, and called for
increased international research efforts.
Right: Lucy Mulenkei, International Indigenous Forum on Climate Change,
supported Tuvalu's proposal to include indigenous peoples' views in
future meetings and submissions. Far right: Faizal Parish, Global
Environment Centre, pointed to the role of peatlands in the carbon
Chair Becker referred the issue of the need to fully operationalize the
SCCF to informal consultations.
Richard Hosier presented the report of the GEF, highlighting climate
change as the fourth replenishment's highest-ever allocation.
Switzerland said the GEF is performing effectively and welcomed its
fourth replenishment.
UNFCCC Press Conference
UNFCCC Spokesperson John Hay, UNFCCC Executive Director Yvo de Boer and
SBSTA coordinator Halldor Thorgeirsson answered questions from the media
at the daily press briefing.
Around COP 12
Eamon Ryan, Green Party member of the Irish parliament. He is also the
party's all-Ireland spokesperson on energy.
Jake Torrie, Canada, and Laura Caniot, France, showcased youth action
both at local and global levels at the Climate Change Kiosk.
Participants watched presentations at the Climate Change Kiosk.