Thursday, 9 November
President Kibwana reminded delegates that the COP/MOP had agreed
earlier in the week to continue working on the basis of its provisional
agenda, with the exception of an item on the Russian proposal.
José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez, Chair of the CDM Executive Board,
reported significant growth in the use of the CDM in the past year and a
significant increase expected in the Board's workload over the next
12 months.
Colombia, on behalf of several countries in the region, suggested that
the Executive Board had exceeded its mandate in relation to forestry
issues by incorporating new elements not agreed on by the COP/MOP.
Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee Chair Daniela Stoycheva,
Bulgaria, presented the JISC's first annual report, explaining that the JISC
is facing a US$2 million shortfall but could become self-financing by 2009.
Mohamed Salim Sorour Al-Sabban, Saudi Arabia, reported on the First
International Conference on the CDM, held this September in Riyadh.
Steve Sawyer, Greenpeace International, for the Climate Action Network,
urged a mandate to COP/MOP3 to conclude negotiations by COP/MOP4 and
noted that, notwithstanding historical and common but differentiated
responsibilities, non-Annex I countries will also need to cut emissions.
SBI Contact Group: Adaptation Fund
Co-chaired by Adrian Macey, New Zealand, and Philip Gwage, Uganda,
the contact group on the Adaptation Fund began consideration of the
Fund's overarching principles.
A representative of Indigenous Peoples.
Patricia Bliss-Guest, GEF.
Bernaditas Castro-Muller, Philippines, conferred with German Velasquez,
Jukka Uosukainen, Finland.
AWG Contact Group
AWG Chair Zammit Cutajar suggested an approach to a programme of work based
on clusters of quantitative and qualitative issues and invited parties
to respond.
Raphael Azeredo, Brazil, conferred with Khalid Mohammed Abuleif, Saudi
Arabia and Alf Wills, South Africa.
SBSTA Contact Group: Reducing emissions from deforestation
Having agreed on the need for a second workshop before SBSTA 26, the
contact group on reducing emissions from deforestation in developing
countries, chaired by Audun Rosland, New Zealand, and Hernán
Carlino, Argentina, focused on the scope of that workshop.
Kevin Conrad, Papua New Guinea, suggested the workshop focus on existing
as well as new proposals to address deforestation.
Thelma Krug, Brazil, proposed moving ahead by focusing on specific
policy issues and, once these are refined, looking at relevant technical
Jim Penman, United Kingdom, speaking for the EU, stressed the importance
of also addressing technical and methodological issues.
UNFCCC Press Briefing
UNFCCC Secretariat Head of Communications and Media John Hay, UNFCCC
Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer and José Domingos Gonzalez Miguez,
Chair of the CDM Executive Board, appeared at the daily press breifing.
Around COP 12
Climate Network Africa (CNA) booth.
Environnement et Developpement du Tiers-Monde (ENDA-TM) booth.
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) booth.