Twelfth session of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change
Convention and second meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
United Nations Office at Nairobi, Gigiri, Kenya | 6-17 November 2006
Negotiations Continue in Small Groups
On Saturday, delegates met in contact groups and informal consultations
on a range of issues, including the adaptation programme of work, Annex
I and non-Annex I communications, AWG, the Belarus proposal, capacity
building, deforestation, education and public awareness (UNFCCC Article
6), HCFC-22 and HFC-23, privileges and immunities, research and
systematic observation, response measures, review of the Protocol
(Article 9), and technology transfer.
Above: Delegates from the United States, Argentina, Sudan,
Ghana and South Africa (for the G-77) huddle to reach agreement on
text during informal consultations on the adaptation five-year
programme of work.
Saturday, 11 November
SBSTA Contact Group: Development and Transfer of Technologies
Above: Delegates from Japan, the United States and Canada conferred
during the contact group on technology transfer. Below: Delegates
from Europe conferred during the contact group on technology transfer.
SBI Contact Group: Capacity Building
The contact group on capacity building, co-chaired by Helmut Hojesky,
Austria, and Crispin d'Auvergne, Saint Lucia, considered capacity building
under the Convention. Participants discussed two proposed draft texts from
the EU and G-77/China. Little progress was made, and consultations will
continue on Monday.
Angela Churie-Kallhauge, Sweden, conferred with a United Kingdom delegate
during the contact group on capacity building.
SBI Informal Consultations on Convention Article 6
Informal consultations on Article 6 of the Convention were chaired by
Marie Jaudet, France. Negotiations focused on the review of the New
Delhi work programme and the timeline for an enhanced work programme.
Consultations will continue on Monday.
SBSTA Informal consultations on Research and Systematic Observation
Informal consultations on Research and Systematic Observation, co-chaired
by Stefan Rösner, Germany, and Soobaraj Nayroo Sok Appadu, Mauritius,
resulted in draft conclusions to be submitted to the SBSTA Chair.
Informal consultations on the Adaptation Five-Year Programme of Work
Judy Beaumont, South Africa for the G-77/China, conferred with Paul
Watkinson, France for the EU, during informal consultations on the
Adaptation Five-Year Programme of Work.
Around COP 12
NGO participants chatted with members of the Brazilian delegation.
Britta Freitag, Climate Alliance, spoke at the Climate Change Kiosk on
the "Zoom - Kids on the Move" program, which promotes sustainable
mobility among European schoolchildren.
Elmer Holt, United States, conferred with technology transfer contact
group Co-Chair Carlos Fuller, Belize.
Stefania Proietti, Perugia University, spoke at the Climate Change Kiosk
on technologies for mitigation of greenhouse gases.
As discussions got down to fine details, delegates held informal
consultations anywhere possible - even in the breezeways.