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2nd Meeting of the Ad hoc Open-ended Inter-sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Montreal, Canada; February 4-8 2002


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Highlights for Tuesday, 5 February 2002

Delegates to the second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) met throughout the day in two sub-working groups. Sub-Working Group I (SWG-I) considered the outline of the composite report on status and trends, and began discussing guidelines for impact assessments. Sub-Working Group II (SWG-II) concluded initial discussion on the effectiveness of existing instruments, particu­larly regarding intellectual property rights (IPR), and on participatory mechanisms for indigenous and local communities.

 Above photo: Sub-Working Group II dias Chaired by Linus Spencer Thomas (Grenada) (far right)


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Sub-Working Group I

Mario Ramos, (GEF)  noted that more discussion was needed before funds could be committed for the preparation of the report on status and trends.



A representative of the IIFB highlighted that governments often prioritize concerns of multinational companies over those of indigenous peoples. Left photo: Some representatives of the IIFB enjoying a break from the session.

The EC stressed the need for balance, noting that projects that are good for the environment are not necessarily the best for society and culture.

Sub-Working Group II

Joji Cariño, the Tebtebba Foundation, said that trade-related fora are not appropriate for protecting indigenous interests and called for recognition of indigenous institutions having authority to implement indigenous laws and customs.


During the discussion on existing instruments impacting the protection of traditional knowledge, Richard Driscoll of the US (center) underscored the value of registries to prevent inappropriate patents on traditional knowledge. Terry Williams, the Tulalip Tribes (far left) described an ongoing database project including confidential and public indigenous knowledge.


Rosemary Coombe (York University), stressed that no traditional knowledge can be registered in any way without the prior informed consent of indigenous communities.
Indigenous Art:

ENB Snapshots: 

Above photos (clockwise): Mohawk participant in their traditional attire,  Mario Ramos and Kristin Elliot (GEF), Maria Noguerol (Spain), Maria Angelica Ikeda (Brazil) with Reuben Olembo acting Chair of the Working Group, on behalf of the President of COP-5, Barbara di Giovanni (Italy), rapporteur for the meeting, ENB writers Fiona Koza and Elsa Tsioumani handing out ENB bulletins to participants.

ENB Summary of the WG8j-1 (HTML, PDF)
ENB Coverage of WG8j-1
The summary from the October 2001 Bonn meeting on access and benefit sharing

The summary from the November 2001 Montreal meeting of the SBSTTA
Draft report from the December 2001 meeting of the WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (Second Session)
ENB report of the meeting on traditional knowledge held under the CBD (Madrid, October 1997)
Experts' Panel on Access and Benefit-Sharing (ENB coverage, October 1999)
Linkages introduction to the CBD process
CBD Secretariat web site with official documents and information for participants
WIPO Secretariat
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