Monday, 16 May
Morning Plenary
Hosny El-Lakany of FAO, UNFF Secretariat Coordinator and Head Pekka
Patosaari, and Bureau Chair Manuel Rodriguez Becerra of Colombia
Speaking for the G77 and China, Marilyn Headley of Jamaica, urged
developed countries to assist in capacity building in support of utilizing
traditional forest knowledge and best practices.
Speaking for the European Union, Frank Wolter of Luxembourg called for
a reversal of current trends in deforestation and forest degradation.
Nikolay Chulkov of the Russian Federation said that the UNFF 5 session
should focus on implementation of effective forest policy at the global
Carlos González-Vincente of Mexico called for avoiding duplication
of efforts and strengthening regional processes.
Charlotte Cudby of New Zealand supported widening the range of member
organizations in the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF).
Franz Perrez of Switzerland expressed disappointment with UNFF's
achievements to date, and underscored the need for a strong
international regime on forests.
John Talbot of Australia highlighted the need for work on the ground, and drew
attention to a user-friendly manual on implementation of IPF/IFF Proposals
for Action.
Javad Amin-Mansour of Islamic Republic of Iran called for attention to sustainable forest
management for all types of forests, particularly in low-forest-cover
Manuel Guariguata of the Convention on Biological Diversity reported
on activities under the CBD's Forest Biodiversity Programme of Work.
Report of the Ad Hoc Experts Group
Andrea Albán Durán of Colombia, Co-Chair of AHEG-PARAM
AHEG-PARAM co-chairs Andrea Albán Durán and Tim Rollinson,
presented the report of the outcomes of the Ad Hoc Experts Group to
Consider with a View to Recommnending the Parameters of a Mandate
for Developing a Legal Framework on All Types of Forests, including
an analysis of existing institutions and the identification of
options for the future International Agreement on Forests. They
noted that many "building blocks" would be applicable to either a
legally binding or non legally binding initiative.
Tim Rollinson of the United Kingdom, Co-Chair of AHEG-PARAM
Afternoon Plenary
Bill Singleton of Canada called for a performance-based arrangement
centered on a legally binding instrument and incorporating a
strengthened UNFF and CPF.
Arne Ivar Sletnes of Norway noted lack of progress in sustainable forest
management, and called for formulating a limited number of objectives and
focusing on regional processes.
Modesto Fernandez stated Cuba's willingness to consider all options,
including a legally binding agreement.
David Rhodes of New Zealand expressed frustration with limited progress
and noted the unwieldiness of implementing the IPF/IPF Proposals for Action.
Tony Bartlett of Australia emphassized the importance of regional
subsidiary bodies.
Byeong Am Choi of the Republic of Korea supported the idea of a legally
binding instrument as the best way to move forward.
Speaking for Indigenous Peoples, Hubertus Samangun called for consideration
of indigenous and tribal rights to land and resources tenure.
Oleg Shamanov of the Russian Federation highlighted the achievements of
the UNFF and encouraged strenghtening the IAF.
Kathryn Buchanan of the Montréal Process stated that a revised
framework of criteria and indicators is to be announced in Japan next year.
Around UNFF
A friendly greeting in the morning.
Jan McAlpine of the United States confers with Brazil.
A question from Youth and Children.
Delegates from the breakaway Republic of Laptopia and their fearless
leader, Andrew (who refuses to ratify the Laptop Non-Proliferation Treaty).