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8th Session of WG-III and 24th Session 
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Highlights for Friday, 23 September 2005

On Friday, delegates met in plenary throughout the day and into the night to continue line-by-line deliberations on the draft SPM. In the morning and afternoon sessions, delegates considered the section of the SPM concerned with the current status of CCS technology. In the afternoon, delegates also considered the section of the SPM concerned with the geographical relationship between the sources and storage opportunities for carbon dioxide. In the evening, delegates turned to a consideration of the costs for CCS and its economic potential. The contact group established on Thursday to revise the first two paragraphs of the SPM continued its work, while a new contact group was established to discuss a figure representing the geographical relationship between carbon dioxide emissions sources and storage potential. Earth Negotiations Bulletin coverage stopped at 8.00pm.

Above photo:
View of the plenary session where delegates continue to revise  the draft SPM.


Co-Chair Bert Metz (The Netherlands) welcomed delegates, recalled that the SPM had already gone through an extensive review process, and  urged them to move forward to complete its approval.

Lead Author Richard Doctor with Co-Chair Ogunlade Davidson (Sierra Leone) and Co-Chair Bert Metz (The Netherlands).

What is the current status of CCS technology?

BELGIUM noted that a figure representing capture systems was unclear, and proposed using a figure from the Special Report instead. 
Above photo: J.P. van Ypersele (Belgium)

On the corrosiveness of pipelines for transportation, CANADA proposed removing reference to hydrogen sulphide given its negative connotation, and proposed referring to contaminants instead. 
Above photo L-R: Anne-Marie Thompson and Bill Reynen (Canada)

DENMARK, supported by the UK and the NETHERLANDS, proposed emphasizing caprock as an essential trapping mechanism. 
Above photo: Jesper Gundermann (Denmark)

Lead Author Peter Cook clarified that caprock is essential unless injection takes place deep enough. 
Above photo L-R: Lead Authors Peter Cook and Sally Benson

Lead Author Ken Caldeira noted that the consequences of the equilibration between carbon dioxide in the ocean and atmosphere were nuanced and difficult to express in the SPM. 

After further comments from CHILE, NEW ZEALAND and GERMANY regarding clarification of the process and time scale of equilibration, the text  introduced by Co-Chair Metz was accepted. 
Above photo: Javier Garcia (Chile)

Above photos L-R: IPCC Secretariat staff members Heleen de Connick, Leo Meyer and Monique Hoogwijk; Co-Chair Ogunlade Davidson (Sierra Leone)
Co-Chair Bert Metz (The Netherlands), Leo Meyer (IPCC) and Lead Author Ed Rubin; Lead Authors Keywan Riahi, Peter Cook and John Gale.

Co-Chair Davidson introduced the revised text on the reaction of carbon dioxide with metal oxides, and noted that while the technology is still in the research phase, certain applications using waste streams are in the demonstration phrase. 

Discussion then shifted to text on industrial uses of carbon dioxide, which included a proposal by Canada, supported by the US, to insert text that notes that enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is excluded from a statement that the potential for industrial uses of carbon dioxide is small.
Above photo: Trigg Talley (US)

GERMANY noted that including such a reference could falsely suggest that EOR is a large opportunity. 
Above photo: Wolfgang Müller (Germany)

JAPAN and KOREA proposed changing the reference to ocean storage direct injection "dissolution type" and "lake type" in the table outlining the current maturity of CCS system components
Above photo:  Seong-Gil Kang (Republic of Korea)

What is the geographical relationship between the sources and storage opportunities for carbon dioxide?

Discussion for geological storage focused on the type of sources, the distance from sources to storage locations, and the location of sources.

Discussion on ocean storage focused on ocean storage's regional distribution, maturity, location, and existing literature. JAPAN underscored that the ocean storage potential varies regionally, and that Japan has more potential for ocean than geological storage. 
Above photo: Toshiyuki Sakamoto (Japan)

AUSTRIA, AUSTRALIA and others expressed concern that the language implied more technical maturity and scientific analysis for ocean storage than actually exists. 
Above photo: Klaus Radunsky (Austria)

CHINA, supported by BANGLADESH, EGYPT and SAUDI ARABIA, and opposed by NORWAY and FINLAND, proposed emphasizing that the proximity of large point sources to storage sites was uncertain. Above photo L-R: Ronald Flipphi (The Netherlands) in discussion with Kong Xiang Wen (China) and Leo Meyer (IPCC)

On scenarios describing the potential for capture of global fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions by 2050, Lead Author Keywan Riahi clarified that the SPM referred only to capture because there is a lack of literature on the potential for storage. 

ENB SNAPSHOTS: Reception hosted by IPCC Secretariat on Thursday Evening


This service was prepared in cooperation with the IPCC Secretariat


IPCC Secretariat
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National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme
Working Group I: Physical Basis for Climate Change
Working Group II: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change
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