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Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

4-15 May 2015 | Geneva, Switzerland

Highlights for Tuesday, 5 May 2015

ENB Meeting Coverage

Curtain Raiser
4 May
5 May
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13 May
14 May

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11 May | 12 May | 13 May | 14 May | 15 May | Summary

Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Convention logo for the 2015 COPs

BRS | BC COP-12 | RC COP-7 | SC COP-7 On Tuesday, 5 May, 2015, the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions convened for the second day. In the morning, delegates met in a joint session of the three conferences of the parties (COPs) to discuss financial resources and non-compliance under the Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions. The joint session established a contact group on technical assistance and financial resources. The contact group on technical matters under the Basel Convention also met during the morning.

During lunch, the side events area was a hub of activity. One event discussed linkages between human rights and hazardous wastes and substances. Several side events discussed issues related to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including the links between POPs and endocrine disrupting chemicals, alternatives to DDT and private sector engagement in POPs management.

In the afternoon, the joint session discussed international cooperation and coordination among other issues shared between the conventions. The contact groups for technical matters and technical assistance and financial resources met during the afternoon and the contact group on non-compliance under the Rotterdam Convention convened in the evening.

IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis from the Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS COP), in HTML and PDF.

Morning Session

View of the dais during the morning session

Johanna Lissinger Peitz, Sweden, Stockholm Convention COP7 President

Gustavo Fonseca, Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Jacob Duer, UNEP Chemicals Branch

Gaia Hernández Palacios, Colombia

Silvija Kalnins, speaking on behalf of the European Union (EU)

Luca Arnold, Switzerland

Joji Miyamori, Japan

Alfredo José Perez Gonzalez, Venezuela

Virginia Poter, Canada

Elham Refaat Abdel Aziz, Egypt

Lei Li, China

Abbas Terabi, Iran

Contact Group on Technical Assistance and Financial Resources

Side event on the links between persistent organic pollutants and endocrine disrupting chemicals

Side event on the linkages between human rights and hazardous substances and wastes

Afternoon Session

Marylene Beau, Secretariat

Elizabeth Mrema, Director, Division of Environmental Law and Conventions, UNEP

George Orina, Kenya

Cuong Nguyen Minh, Vietnam

Mohammed Khashashneh, Jordan, Rotterdam Convention COP7 President

Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions Secretariat

Suzanne Bengtsson, Secretariat

Valeria González Posse, Argentina

Hubert Binga, Gabon

Vaitoti Tupa, Cook Islands

Mariann Lloyd-Smith, International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN)

Around the Venue

Daily ENB CoverageAbout | 4 May | 5 May | 6 May | 7 May | 8 May | 9 May | 11 May | 12 May | 13 May | 14 May | 15 May | Summary